Module 1 - Digital Identity
Defining digital identity
If we want to know what digital identity really is, we must take a journey. Watch the video, think, and do the self-reflection bellow. This is the first lesson in row.

In this lesson you will learn:
- that there are multiple definitions of digital identity
- that definitions do not matter
- that it is important what you do online
Digital identity consists from information about each individual person that is available online. All the data about you, your activities, behaviour, search activity, medical history, financial status, entertainment …
The data is in some cases connected to the user, tipicaly through online account or to devices that are owned by us e.g. mobile phones, smart assistants, laptops…
Tipical user is not aware of the amount of the data he creates with his activities online. All these data tells a lot about our selfs. “The internet” knows more about us that we do…
The problem is that there are several companies and individuals that are interested to get the data. Some are willing to pay, some of them will try to steal it.
Average adult has over
online accounts.
Every day we create cca.
megabytes of data online.
In average
o data breach victims experience identity theft.
- Is my digital identity available/stored on/from one place?
No, digital identity consists from data written on different places, internet organizations and online accounts. - Can I access all the information about me?
Legal answer – you should have the possibility to, but…